Monday, January 15, 2007

Health Benefits of Garlic and Tips for Cooking with Garlic

Tip! Every responsible parent should teach his children the general health tips that they should live by from childhood as well as when they become older. Training children to live right and to eat healthy food can make the difference in how they are going to take care of their health later on in life.

A more detailed account of what garlic does for various organs in the human body:

If garlic had been created in the laboratory instead of by nature, it would probably be a high-priced prescription drug.

A Common Saying everyone knows..That's just how good it really is...

Garlic is one of the oldest known medicinal plants, and it's been credited with fighting heart disease, lowering blood pressure and helping to fight off colds.

In fact, garlic has been used medicinally for at least 3,000 years, but until relatively recently its benefits were considered little more than folklore. According to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Nov. 28, 1990;264:2614), the therapeutic roles of garlic have been described in more than 1,000 scientific studies.Cooking with garlic

Most of the modern research on garlic has concentrated on its ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure as well as offering protection against strokes and heart disease.

The following is a more detailed account of what garlic does for various organs in the human body:

1. Protection of the liver from toxic substances: Garlic activates the cells of the liver and thereby protects the liver from toxic substances; it also rejuvenates a tired liver and promotes its normal functioning.

2. Improvement of blood circulation: When allicin is heated in the process of cooking the garlic, a substance called ?ajoene" is formed. This substance has a suppressive effect on thrombi and blood cholesterol, so it is effective for the treatment of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

3. Regulation of stomach function: Allicin promotes the secretion of gastric juices by stimulating the mucous membranes of the stomach; furthermore, it combines with proteins which can reduce excessive activity of the stomach. In addition, allicin reglates the functioning of the stomach by activating the large intestine and thus cure both constipation and diarrhea.

Tip! If you've been reading BIOM's Seasonal Health Tips, you've recognized that the effect Spring has on your body has been quite strong this year, based on whichever of the common Spring health problems you may be experiencing.

4. Promotion of insulin secretion: Allicin combines with vitamin B1 (thiamine) to activate the function of the pancreas and thus promote insulin secretion. As a result, garlic is effective in the prevention or the cure of diabetes that is caused by a lack of insulin or by the defective functioning of the pancreas.

5. Normalization of blood circulation: Because it stimulates the brain nerves and controls the workings of the heart at a constant level, garlic stabilizes blood pressure. It is also capable of dissolving cholesterol and fatty substances inside blood vessels and therefore refreshing cells and the blood inside the body.

Today, there is worldwide scientific evidence to support the many health benefits that can be derived from the daily consumption of garlic.

* Extensive tests on humans have concluded that a regular intake of garlic can:

Tip! While it is true that there are illnesses that are genetically transmitted, a person should always take care of his health and the health of his family by sticking to the general health tips.

* Lower total cholesterol (but raise the good-type HDL cholesterol)

* Produce more "natural killer" cells in the blood that will tackle infections and tumours

Tip! A couple more good health tips.

* Lower blood pressure

* Reduce the risk of blood clots (that are responsible for most heart attacks and strokes)

* Destroy infection causing viruses and bacteria

Garlic is classified as both an herb and a vegetable. It can be found in products ranging from ice cream to dry rubs; the versatility of this herb is seemingly endless.

Tips for cooking with garlic:

1. Before cooking, remove the exterior skin of the clove. There are many ways to do this: strike the bulb with the broad side of a kitchen knife, use a rubber garlic rolling tube, soak the garlic in lukewarm water for 30 minutes or dip the cloves into boiling water for 30 seconds.

2. After skinning the garlic, select a cooking method that will result in the appropriate flavor. It can be sautéed to create a nutty, savory taste; poached to create a mild flavor; oven-roasted to bring out the nutty flavor with a caramelized quality; fried to create a crisp exterior; or grilled to create a soft, smoky flavor.

Tip! For health tips look at books, videos or CD's that relate to health and pick the ones that you can't wait to get into. Prevention magazine is an abundant source of ideas, if you can get past the prescription advertisements.

3. Garlic is very sensitive to heat and will burn easily, especially when sautéing. Expose the garlic to heat just until the oil sizzles and then remove it. When cooking garlic with onions, start the onions first. They will take longer to cook.

Benefits of Garlic: Cancer Prevention

Indeed, the first scientific report to study garlic and cancer was performed in the 1950s. Scientists injected allicin, an active ingredient from garlic, into mice suffering from cancer. Mice receiving the injection survived more than 6 months whereas those which did not receive the injection only survived 2 months.

Checkout Garlic Veg Supplements at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, thank u very much for the great informations especially these days more people are dying due to cancer.

It is really a great help.. Thanks anyway!

You can also improve your health and forever be beautiful with these health tips.

12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, thank u very much for the great informations especially these days more people are dying due to prostrate cancer.

It is really a great help.. Thanks anyway!

You can also improve your health and forever be beautiful with these health tips.

12:11 AM  

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