
Monday, January 15, 2007

The Top 10 Tips For Transitioning To Permanent Weight Loss, Health and Fitness

Tip! While it is true that there are illnesses that are genetically transmitted, a person should always take care of his health and the health of his family by sticking to the general health tips.

1. FILL UP on the most nutritious foods first (fresh fruits and vegetables), then eat other foods.

2. Add at least 10 fresh, whole fruits and 10 different, fresh vegetables to your daily food plan.

3. Eat only whole fruit in the morning (up to 10 whole fruits). If you have diabetes or specific health issues, consult your doctor. Stop eating fruit one hour before lunch. Don't eat fruit with other foods (it makes other foods ferment or rot causing gas and interference to digestion).

4. Eat until you are "satisfied" in your brain, not "stuffed" in your stomach.

5. For lunch, almost ALWAYS eat one large, green-leafy, vegetable salad with at least 10 different fresh vegetables (count them). If you are still hungry, then eat something else.

6. For dinner, almost ALWAYS fill up on a vegetable salad and vegetables first (such as steamed or baked). Then eat other foods.

7. Before you put something into your mouth, think to yourself, "Is this food FEEDING me or DEPLETING me?"

8. Clean out your cupboards. Do not bring the "bad guys" into your house. Keep "good-for-you" snacks with you at all times (at home, at work, in the car).

9. Communicate with your family about your food and fitness goals and beg for support.

10. Seek a support person who will hold you ACCOUNTABLE to your commitment to yourself, your body, and your health (like Dr. Leslie!).


Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a health motivational speaker, writer, and lifestyle coach. Visit http://www.DrLeslieVanRomer.com for more inspiration.

News & Tips For Better Health, The Natural Way - A Health Supplement

Tip! For health tips look at books, videos or CD's that relate to health and pick the ones that you can't wait to get into. Prevention magazine is an abundant source of ideas, if you can get past the prescription advertisements.

BROCCOLI Good Healthy Food, for Natural Healing, Good Health and Antiaging. We all know that Broccoli is a plant that is used at the Dinner Table as a vegetable with the main dish, it is very high in Antioxidants and very healthy for everyone.

Did you also know that Broccoli can give you 30 times more antioxidants, all you have to do is eat Broccoli seedling sprouts in your salad meals or sandwiches. Just like you would with Alfalfa or any other sprouts. A half cup of Broccoli seedling sprouts, is equivalent to 15 cups of Broccoli.

TUMERIC The yellow spice that can usually be found in your kitchen, is a powerful Antioxidant and anti inflammatory. Excellent when you would normally take a pain killer, Strains and Sprains, Bursitis Tendinitis, you can add the spice to food, or purchase capsules.

BREAST CANCER In news just released, Breast Cancer has increased to its highest levels yet, with one in eleven ladies likely to develop symptoms. There is Good News though, More than ever before, the survival rate has increased, mainly due to dedicated Doctors and more advanced detection and treament available. Read my article titled "Breast Cancer and Antiperspirants".

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (Hypertension) One way of reducing Hypertension, is to increase your intake of water, the answer can quite often be that simple, I do mean Pure Water, not the stuff supplied by the Public Utilities as that contains all sorts of chemicals that are NOT necessarily good for your health.

Tip! You can make a stand and try incorporating these health tips into your everyday life and see if they make a difference to your total health.

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR AND HONEY Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey has been used for centuries to fight off numerous medical complaints, including High Blood Pressure, Arthritis and many other conditions.

Tip! A couple more good health tips.

The secret is that Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey, between them contain almost 100, Minerals and Vitamins.

The Vinegar should not be distilled, it should have sediment in the bottom of the bottle and have web like structures floating in the liquid, which is called the Mother. It is this sediment and Mother that contains all the ingredients that are good for you.

Good quality Honey should be used and the best method of taking this is : One Teaspoon of Honey mixed in a glass of warm pure water and One Teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, taken at least once or twice a day.

TOMATO, What it can do for you.

The humble Tomato is proving to have a number of medicinal properties previously not known, it has been said to help in the prevention of Prostate problems and that it is more beneficial if it has been cooked before using, as in Tomato Paste, Tomato Sauce or Ketchup, Tomato Juice, or even a Pizza with a Tomato topping.

Tip! While it is true that there are illnesses that are genetically transmitted, a person should always take care of his health and the health of his family by sticking to the general health tips.

Apparently the cooking process enhances the Lycopine in the Tomato, which has proven so beneficial.

It has now shown to be useful for cardiovascular problems, it decreases platelet activity, thereby reducing the level of blood clotting.

When the blood vessels of people with cardiovascular disease are damaged, platelet activity sometimes fails to switch off and clogs the vessels. A glass of Tomato Juice a day can keep blood clots away, so it can help in preventing Stroke, Heart Attack and Deep Vein Thrombosis, as well as helping to ward off Prostate problems.

THE AUSTRALIAN BUSH PLUM, Super food. The Australian Bush Plum is the latest food to improve health. With the highest levels of Vitamin C of any food, the plum is now the key ingredient that is used the Eight Essential Sugars (Glyconutrients) it is the newest and most powerful Antioxidant currently available.

Vitamin C is crucial for controlling free radicals which cause disease and aging. Used for thousands of years by the aboriginal people of Australia, to treat Skin Diseases, Arthritis, colds and Flu, the plums power together with Glyconutrients is now harnessed in a capsule.

ASTRAGALUS This ancient herb has been used in Chinese Medicine for over 2000 years, it helps to modulate the Immune System and it may repair cells damaged by Cancer or Radiation and Chemotherapy. It certainly beats Echinacea, when it comes to fighting colds and Flu.

Tip! Every responsible parent should teach his children the general health tips that they should live by from childhood as well as when they become older. Training children to live right and to eat healthy food can make the difference in how they are going to take care of their health later on in life.

Astragalus is used to provide one of the Essential Sugars that constitutes Glyconutrients.

If you wish to try Astragalus, you will find that it is normally sold as Capsules and quite expensive. I would suggest that you do a search for a supplier of Astragalus Powder this is a much more economic method. Just mix half a teaspoon in Juice, milk or water and take twice a day.

"Article by Alfred Jones, More Information at: http://www.SugarsR4U.com and http://www.RUsweetEnuf.com

Learn about Glyconutrients with the most powerful Antioxidants, The Essential Sugars for Life, or Himalayan Goji Juice the Boost Immune System Vitamin. Help is available.

Tips on Buying Health Products Online

Tip! If you've been reading BIOM's Seasonal Health Tips, you've recognized that the effect Spring has on your body has been quite strong this year, based on whichever of the common Spring health problems you may be experiencing.

The good

Shopping online has many benefits, you have almost unlimited options available.

You can conveniently find specific products, or find the cheapest places to buy certain products; and everything is just one or two clicks away.

The bad

Every tree has its share of few bad apples, net is no different and that's why some extra wariness is in order.

Below are couple basic common sense tips that will make your online shopping experience more rewarding.

Address, phone number, physical location

It's usually safer to buy from a company that exist also outside the web.

Check out if the site has an address and phone number listed on their web site, and that they are a real company that exist outside the web, if not you might want to think twice before doing business with them.

Tips: Whois source shows the registration information for websites.

Alexa.com has surfer posted reviews of popular sites.

Bogus Claims, over the top hype

Does the site use clear bogus claims or over the top hype, if it does, you might want to think twice before doing business with them.

Little hype is ok, but truly over the top claims should raise a red flag, if something feels too good to be true, it probably is just that.

Tip: You can do some googling, using keywords like "scam company xyz", - My personal favourite phrase is "forum product/company xyz".

Paying safely

Using credit card is probably the best way to pay online as you can often dispute the charges if something is wrong.

Make sure the transactions form is safe and that the site uses generally accepted encryption/safety measures to secure the transaction process.

Tip: One "good" indicator for secure order form/page, is that the address starts with https:// instead of http://

That just about wraps it, safe shopping

Karri Koivula runs a site, that amongst other things, reviews popular dietary/health supplements.

Links to random destinations on his site below

Tips how to buy omega 3 fish oil supplements

Learn about health benefits of omega 3 fish oil supplements; omega 3 fish oil capsules/tablets/pills

7 Tips on Using Food Diet Remedies for Your Common Health Ailments

Tip! Every responsible parent should teach his children the general health tips that they should live by from childhood as well as when they become older. Training children to live right and to eat healthy food can make the difference in how they are going to take care of their health later on in life.

Making simple changes to your food diet can help remedy some of the common health problems. Increasingly, more health experts are acknowledging that natural food is a good alternative medicine against many diseases. The use of antibiotics or drugs may not necessarily be the "cure all" answer. Recent studies have shown that cabbage, garlic and apples, etc provide good nutritional remedies.

If you are interested to find out more, there are quite a couple of health and nutrition books that are available on this topic.

However, before you gorge yourself silly based on the recommendations in these books, here are 7 tips to ensure that you don't run into more health problems:-

1) If the recommendation is on a natural food, then it is generally considered safer versus one that is not. Examples of natural food will include your vegetables and fruits. Two examples of non-natural foods are instant noodles and salty pototo chips in a packet.

2) Proceed slowly as you may not know if you are allergic to that food or not. Your food allergies may also extend to natural foods too eg. peanuts.

3) It is best to take the remedies in small quantities and diluted form. You can increase the concentration once your body is okay with it and there are no apparent symptoms.

4) "Listen to Your Body" and discontinue any remedy if you experience any body discomfort.

5) Exercise caution if you want to give natural remedies to your children. If you are unsure, always consult a doctor.

6) If you are on medication, check with your doctor first before taking up any suggestions relating to your food diet.

7) It is recommended to rotate the consumption of a wide range of fresh and natural foods and juices.

Tip! While it is true that there are illnesses that are genetically transmitted, a person should always take care of his health and the health of his family by sticking to the general health tips.

Sandra Kim Leong believes in using natural food and nutrition remedies for common health ailments. For more information, please visit her article resource site at http://www.food-diet-remedy.com

To reprint this article, please leave all content intact and links active to her site.

Health Benefits of Garlic and Tips for Cooking with Garlic

Tip! Every responsible parent should teach his children the general health tips that they should live by from childhood as well as when they become older. Training children to live right and to eat healthy food can make the difference in how they are going to take care of their health later on in life.

A more detailed account of what garlic does for various organs in the human body:

If garlic had been created in the laboratory instead of by nature, it would probably be a high-priced prescription drug.

A Common Saying everyone knows..That's just how good it really is...

Garlic is one of the oldest known medicinal plants, and it's been credited with fighting heart disease, lowering blood pressure and helping to fight off colds.

In fact, garlic has been used medicinally for at least 3,000 years, but until relatively recently its benefits were considered little more than folklore. According to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Nov. 28, 1990;264:2614), the therapeutic roles of garlic have been described in more than 1,000 scientific studies.Cooking with garlic

Most of the modern research on garlic has concentrated on its ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure as well as offering protection against strokes and heart disease.

The following is a more detailed account of what garlic does for various organs in the human body:

1. Protection of the liver from toxic substances: Garlic activates the cells of the liver and thereby protects the liver from toxic substances; it also rejuvenates a tired liver and promotes its normal functioning.

2. Improvement of blood circulation: When allicin is heated in the process of cooking the garlic, a substance called ?ajoene" is formed. This substance has a suppressive effect on thrombi and blood cholesterol, so it is effective for the treatment of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

3. Regulation of stomach function: Allicin promotes the secretion of gastric juices by stimulating the mucous membranes of the stomach; furthermore, it combines with proteins which can reduce excessive activity of the stomach. In addition, allicin reglates the functioning of the stomach by activating the large intestine and thus cure both constipation and diarrhea.

Tip! If you've been reading BIOM's Seasonal Health Tips, you've recognized that the effect Spring has on your body has been quite strong this year, based on whichever of the common Spring health problems you may be experiencing.

4. Promotion of insulin secretion: Allicin combines with vitamin B1 (thiamine) to activate the function of the pancreas and thus promote insulin secretion. As a result, garlic is effective in the prevention or the cure of diabetes that is caused by a lack of insulin or by the defective functioning of the pancreas.

5. Normalization of blood circulation: Because it stimulates the brain nerves and controls the workings of the heart at a constant level, garlic stabilizes blood pressure. It is also capable of dissolving cholesterol and fatty substances inside blood vessels and therefore refreshing cells and the blood inside the body.

Today, there is worldwide scientific evidence to support the many health benefits that can be derived from the daily consumption of garlic.

* Extensive tests on humans have concluded that a regular intake of garlic can:

Tip! While it is true that there are illnesses that are genetically transmitted, a person should always take care of his health and the health of his family by sticking to the general health tips.

* Lower total cholesterol (but raise the good-type HDL cholesterol)

* Produce more "natural killer" cells in the blood that will tackle infections and tumours

Tip! A couple more good health tips.

* Lower blood pressure

* Reduce the risk of blood clots (that are responsible for most heart attacks and strokes)

* Destroy infection causing viruses and bacteria

Garlic is classified as both an herb and a vegetable. It can be found in products ranging from ice cream to dry rubs; the versatility of this herb is seemingly endless.

Tips for cooking with garlic:

1. Before cooking, remove the exterior skin of the clove. There are many ways to do this: strike the bulb with the broad side of a kitchen knife, use a rubber garlic rolling tube, soak the garlic in lukewarm water for 30 minutes or dip the cloves into boiling water for 30 seconds.

2. After skinning the garlic, select a cooking method that will result in the appropriate flavor. It can be sautéed to create a nutty, savory taste; poached to create a mild flavor; oven-roasted to bring out the nutty flavor with a caramelized quality; fried to create a crisp exterior; or grilled to create a soft, smoky flavor.

Tip! For health tips look at books, videos or CD's that relate to health and pick the ones that you can't wait to get into. Prevention magazine is an abundant source of ideas, if you can get past the prescription advertisements.

3. Garlic is very sensitive to heat and will burn easily, especially when sautéing. Expose the garlic to heat just until the oil sizzles and then remove it. When cooking garlic with onions, start the onions first. They will take longer to cook.

Benefits of Garlic: Cancer Prevention

Indeed, the first scientific report to study garlic and cancer was performed in the 1950s. Scientists injected allicin, an active ingredient from garlic, into mice suffering from cancer. Mice receiving the injection survived more than 6 months whereas those which did not receive the injection only survived 2 months.

Checkout Garlic Veg Supplements at

Monday, January 01, 2007

Food Combining: Learn the Tips on this Necessity for Better Health Today (part 1)

Tip! You can make a stand and try incorporating these health tips into your everyday life and see if they make a difference to your total health.

Eating is one of the many sources of enjoyment given to us by Nature. Though it was intended for this activity to be a source of nourishment for the body, since most modern day dietetic innovations avoid proper food combining methods, they tend to do the exact opposite.

In a traditional diet, everything is mixed together in every possible way. Ease of digestion is not the goal, but rather the excitement of the senses in one meal. Dr. Tilden used to say that Nature never produced a sandwich-a modern dietetic abomination. Such protein-starch combinations are of recent origin and like most modern meals today, instead of feeding the body, they actually poison it.

Bad Food combining creates indigestion, fermentation and gas. Food is fermenting and putrefying in the intestines, which is one of the main causes of constipation, a clogging up of the bodily tissues.

Therefore, simplicity of a meal should be the goal when eating for health. This includes first and foremost, proper food combining principles, consuming the right quantity at a time and eating only when truly hungry.

Certain foods take longer to digest than others and therefore should not be eaten at the same time as ones that would leave the stomach quicker. Ideally, eating one kind of food (fruit or vegetable) at a time would be the most ideal, but granted, we live in a society where success at certain things might hinge on enjoyment of the practice.

Variety is one sure way of increasing enjoyment but when it comes to food, especially for the health seeker, this should be approached with care.

Food combining: Classification of Foods

Foods (when eating for health) can be classified as follows.


1. Sweet Fruits: Tropical fruits, Bananas, Mangoes, Papaya, Dates, Dried fruits, Sweet apples.

2. Acid Fruit: Citrus, Lemon, Tomatoes, Berries, Pineapples.

3. Sub-Acid Fruit: Most tart apples, Pears, Grapes,

4. Melons: Cantaloupe, Honey-Dew, Water Melon etc

5. Fatty: Avocadoes, Olives, Durian, Young coconuts

Nuts and Seeds

1. Non-Starchy Foods:

Green leaves, Carrots, Fruit Vegetables e.g. Cucumber, Bell Peppers, Zucchini

2. Starchy: Cooked Vegetables (roots), Grains (if necessary)

3. Lettuce and Celery:

Listed above are foods in their various categories, in the next part of the article on:

"Food combining: Learn the tips on this necessity for better health today."

I will ensure to go over the details of food combining principles for eating right.

Boy, would it have been easier if we just ate like apes eh? Eat a mono-meal of fruit and a few leaves and call it a day. Well, in this present age, that is close to impossible for most people, hence the need to at least learn better food combining methods for health.

Tip! Victor Lensora - Owner of Health and Fitness - tips and advice, offering superb running and health tips, also owner of the New, Running to Win - Running Tips and Advice website offering helpful and interesting tips to improve your running! It's a must to read for all runners.

See you in part 2 of this article.

Foras Aje is an independent health researcher and founder of Bodyhealthsoul.com. He writes on Healthy Weight Loss Tips and invites you to stop by his site for up to date information on Natural Health and Wellness.

Food Combining: Learn the Tips on this Necessity for Better Health Today (part 2)

Tip! While it is true that there are illnesses that are genetically transmitted, a person should always take care of his health and the health of his family by sticking to the general health tips.

Now that we've gone over the reasons why proper food combining is important and the groups of foods, let's go over the principles of mixing these items properly.

Food combining: Rules to follow

To avoid fermentation in the intestines, indigestion, water retention and toxicity, do apply these simple techniques in eating for health

1. Eat sweet fruits with other varieties of sweet fruits only.

They may combine with sub-acid fruits

2. Eat Acid fruits alone or with Lettuce and Celery. In little quantities they may combine with Avocadoes or Nuts and Non-Starchy vegetables.

3. Avocadoes and Olives are best eaten with non-starchy vegetables. I believe mashed, avocadoes combine great with boiled potatoes.

4. Melons, as a rule eat alone or leave alone.

Food Combining: Combinations to Avoid

When practicing proper food combining as rule for eating healthier, these are some combinations you especially want to avoid.

1. Starch and Acid (e.g. Tomato and Potato) 2. Protein and Protein (Avocadoes and nuts) 3. Sweets and Starch (Maple Syrup and Rice)

Food Combining: Comments on other Food items

1. Never, ever eat fresh fruits with cooked meals. Save for the avocado and even then with caution.

2. Lettuce and Celery combine with anything. Eat these raw.

3. Meat & Fish: Eat these substances in very, very little quantities, one at a time and with No/low starch vegetables exclusively.

4. Bread: Well, here is a thought, Nature doesn't produce bread! If you must eat this item, eat as little of it as possible, toasted and with vegetables and fat only. Also to be considered is this fact: you're only being rendered as soggy as that bread and if you're male, it has the tendency to throw your sexuality out of sync. Ever wonder why some guys have breasts? Well, bread is piled with a high amount of estrogen (a female hormone) so do yourself a favor and eat of it no longer. (I have read that rye, spelt and un-yeasted breads might be okay in moderation)

5. Grains: Eat as little as possible of grains and when consumed, combine them with vegetables only.

Food combining: Final Suggestions and Closing thoughts

1. Never eat until you're hungry and guidelines to know when you are in true hunger are as follows:

-The stomach aspires. -The mouth salivates even at the sight of plain lettuce. -The mind is happy and clear -It happens usually after noon when the body is its building stage.

2. Do not drink liquids of any kind with your meals. It only dilutes the digestive juices in your stomach leading to indigestion and constipation.

3. As a rule of thumb, don't drink anything but water an hour or 2 prior to and/or after eating your meals.

Tip! Every responsible parent should teach his children the general health tips that they should live by from childhood as well as when they become older. Training children to live right and to eat healthy food can make the difference in how they are going to take care of their health later on in life.

4. One truth regarding the conditions of the human blood found out by medical doctors is that acidity is a sign of disease. This readily happens with the mixed eater when he fills his stomach daily with meat, starch, confectioneries and fruit all at the same time.

If you are not fully convinced, next time you sit down to your Sunday dinner; have your usual menu served for an imaginary guest. Empty his portion in a pot, using the same quantities that you eat and drink yourself. Stir thoroughly, and then bake this in an oven at 500 degrees Fahrenheit for no less than 30 minutes. Place a cover on the pot and leave it overnight. When you remove the cover the next day, a distinct surprise will await you.

That surprise is also in your digestive tract and has and will continue to be there everyday as a result of improper food combining.

In Nature such as exists in the animal kingdom, there are no mixtures at all. The ideal and most natural method of eating is the mono-diet. Truthfully, one kind of fresh organic fruit, when in season, should constitute a meal and you will find yourself better nourished. However going back to that simplicity is very difficult in our complicated world. This is why, as an alternative, you should apply the guidelines above when eating for health. So at all times, follow these food combining principles properly and your body will thank you for years to come that you did.

Tip! Victor Lensora - Owner of Health and Fitness - tips and advice, offering superb running and health tips, also owner of the New, Running to Win - Running Tips and Advice website offering helpful and interesting tips to improve your running! It's a must to read for all runners.

Foras Aje is an independent health researcher and founder of Bodyhealthsoul.com. He writes on Healthy Weight Loss Tips and invites you to stop by his site for up to date information on Natural Health and Wellness.

Simple Tips for Good Health

Tip! You can make a stand and try incorporating these health tips into your everyday life and see if they make a difference to your total health.

Many people take for granted very simple ways to healthy living and eating. Our foods are full of toxins, chemicals and preservatives so when you eat try to think natural which is the best way to know your eating right.

If we go back thousands of years when man had no supermarkets and no packaged goods but just simple food then we can relate that to how we should be eating in the 21st century. Back then man would eat food straight from the fruit trees, vegetables that have no chemicals in the soil and free of pesticide spray. Men and women would have been much healthier as they would have also had to work hard to gather their food and we all know that exercise is a vital part of healthy living.

Tip! A couple more good health tips.

Instead of buying your vegetables from the supermarket which are usually full of chemicals and pesticides consider taking a visit to your small local fresh fruit & vegetable store. Not all of these small fresh fruit & vegetable stores are are that much better as many of them still buy their stock from the same growers as the supermarket chains. The best way to judge if the produce is free from toxins & chemicals is to take it in your hand and take a look at the produce. Study the leafs in greens, do they have a look of been nearly perfect and pest free? If the leaves looks like they have had some harmless insects nibbling at the leaves then thats a good sign the produce has not been sprayed. Do the tomatoes looks pale and without blemishes? If so they have been grown in a hothouse artificially. You are the best judge, use your own discretion and ask the shop keeper directly if the produce is organic and free of sprays & chemicals.

You can also find particular sections in supermarkets & fresh fruit & vegetable stores that cater especially for organic foods which is probably one of the best guarantees that the food is free of toxins. You can also find fresh fruit & vegetable stores that only sell organic foods which is usually the best places to buy.

Tip! Victor Lensora - Owner of Health and Fitness - tips and advice, offering superb running and health tips, also owner of the New, Running to Win - Running Tips and Advice website offering helpful and interesting tips to improve your running! It's a must to read for all runners.

Eggs are another food source we all need but can be unhealthy to eat due to the chickens been bred in cages and they get no exercise and the eggs contain traces of chemicals from the artificially produced eggs. The eggs also have less natural vitamins, minerals and proteins so we don't get the full benefits of what natural eggs would normally contain. To be assured your eggs are going to be good for you then buy farm range eggs that are organically grown.

How many of us buy white sugar or use white sugar when buying a drink from a café? Most likely over 80% of us... Instead of having white sugar which is very bad for our health when too much of it is consumed, buy raw sugar which is less refined or even better use honey to sweeten your drinks and food. Honey is a very healthy food but make sure you buy it unfiltered and honey that has not gone through any processing or heating. The best place to buy honey is straight from the owners of bee hives. If you do have to buy your honey from a store then look for a dark natural color with traces of honey comb and read the label.

Tip! If you've been reading BIOM's Seasonal Health Tips, you've recognized that the effect Spring has on your body has been quite strong this year, based on whichever of the common Spring health problems you may be experiencing.

Another over consumed everyday food source is salt, apparently most people eat 2 sacks of salt a year more than they need. That is an awful lot of salt but its in nearly every packaged food and nearly all foods from your local restaurant, cafés or fast food outlet. Aways insist on salt free food when buying from these places and most restaurant & cafés will be happy to prepare a special dish free of salt for you although at a slightly higher price but it's well worth it. We all need some salt but not so much, only use natural sea salt or kelp in our meals and do so moderately.

Lucy Denim writes part-time about nutrition and is in charge of the Health & Beauty department at DiscountSaver.net -

Health Tips For Busy People: Healthy Diet & Exercise In the Office

Tip! You can make a stand and try incorporating these health tips into your everyday life and see if they make a difference to your total health.

Many women's lifestyle magazines frustrate us by providing exercise regimens for work and then adding: "You can do this exercise in your office!" What about those of us who work in a cube or other small space (with no floor space for Pilates-style stretches) that's not very private (do you really want your boss to wander by right when you're doing jumping jacks?). Even if you are cube-confined, you can maintain your health in a cube.

Make A "Health" Drawer

Your filing spaces are your friends. Most cubes have lots of little drawers. Make one of them a "health" drawer. Add a ziplock bag or two with healthy non-perishable snacks in it (maybe dried veggies), a few bags of herbal, non-caffeinated tea (switch over from coffee midday to help you sleep better at night), and a travel-size hand-sanitizing gel for use regularly when there's a cold going around the office (did you know most colds are transmitted through shared objects like doorknobs?). A decorative canvas bag can store an extra pair of athletic shoes in case you can take a 10 minute walk or stretch break over lunch.

Tip! A couple more good health tips.

Get Blood Back To Your Brain:

Pop goes the weasel. When you sit in a cube in front of a computer or on the phone for hours at a time, gravity pulls your blood towards your feet. It pools in your feet, ankles, and fanny; if you're ever noticed your feet looking puffy towards the end of the day, the puffiness may be a side-effect of having blood spending so much time down there! Our arm and leg muscles function as "pumps" to get blood back to the heart.

While you could just do jumping jacks to get the blood flowing back upwards, there are less noticeable ways to get blood moving: If you've got a shelf in your high in your cube, keep daily useables (paperclips, stapler) there; getting up regularly will remind you to stretch. While standing lift your legs up at the knee, one at a time, to help get blood flowing. One enterprising woman kept a postcard pinned up towards the very top of her cube wall - and kept an ever-growing collection of postcards that she exchanged every day in the afternoon. The new postcard each day perked her up, and it gave her a reminder to get up and stretch several times a day.

Tip! For health tips look at books, videos or CD's that relate to health and pick the ones that you can't wait to get into. Prevention magazine is an abundant source of ideas, if you can get past the prescription advertisements.

Muscular injury is common in the desk-job world. The Center for Disease Control reports that 92,576 injuries resulted from repetitive motion, including typing or key entry. Make sure to take breaks from the keyboard at least once an hour. Use a wrist support at your computer when you are typing or browsing, Your forearm, wrist, and hand should be on a level, not making a V. The Harvard RSI action group suggests some exercises to help prevent repetitive stress injuries (http://www.rsi.deas.harvard.edu/). If you spend a lot of time on the phone and can't use a speaker phone, don't hold the phone by crunching your shoulder against your ear. Instead, invest in or ask for a headset or shoulder support for your receiver.

Drink Plenty Of Water:

Drinking water is very important. It can help you recover from a cold more quickly (though it doesn't "cure" it), replenish lost fluids after exercise, and assist in weight loss (many people think they are hungry when they are actually thirsty, so make sure to take a drink before diving for the candy machine). Keep a four-cup bottle or thermos near the computer and replenish daily. Don't overdo though - excess water can dilute important minerals and vitamins in your blood stream.

Make Sure To Take Your Vitamins & Other Pills:

Pill reminders. Do you need regularly forget to take vitamins because you're busy? Find an attractive, desk-top container to put the bottle in - a decorative flower pot is one option. Something attractive and eye catching will remind you it's there. This can also work for daily medications, but keep in mind that some medications can be toxic to others or have street-value (many prescribed pain killers), so these are medications that should stay with you, rather than your desk.

Tip! Every responsible parent should teach his children the general health tips that they should live by from childhood as well as when they become older. Training children to live right and to eat healthy food can make the difference in how they are going to take care of their health later on in life.

American Council on Exercise, "How much water is too much?," 2005

Center for Disease Control, "Repetitive Stress/Strain Injuries," www.cdc.gov/od/ohs/Ergonomics/Ergohome.htm

Tyrrell, D., Fielder, M. , Cold Wars: The Fight against the Common Cold, Oxford University Press, 2003

Ian Mason, owner of Shoppe.MD, your source for Online Prescription Medications and health news.

Ian studies health, weight loss, exercise, and several martial arts; maintaining several websites in an effort to help provide up-to-date and helpful information for other who share his interests in health of body and mind.

Contact Ian Mason by e-mail at

Health Club Secrets -- 5 Monster Tips For Choosing a Health Club

Tip! Every responsible parent should teach his children the general health tips that they should live by from childhood as well as when they become older. Training children to live right and to eat healthy food can make the difference in how they are going to take care of their health later on in life.

With the New Year coming in, people by the droves put their New Year's resolutions in gear. For many health clubs, the month of January marks the easiest time of the year to entice and underdeliver the hopes and desires of the unsuspecting public.

Now, of course, that'll never happen to you...will it?

For the type of person that continually gets wrapped up in the "deal of the day," it most certainly will. Most people have no idea what the telltale signs of a great health club operation are.

Naturally, many clubs know this and fully take advantage. Does it really make sense for all of the area clubs to offer the most "specials" in the month where the overall demand reaches its peak?

What other successful industry does this?

None that I can think of.

Understand that many clubs encourage you to join in the months of January and February knowing full well that you not be frequenting the place in two months.

But your money is!

The key resides in the fact that you must find the clubs that actually have your best interest at heart. Which clubs are going to encourage you to get in better shape?

To give everyone a little piece of mind, I've compiled a short list of monster tips to help insure that you involve yourself with a club that will give you the most success.

(By the way, two of these tips are "underground" and industry insiders are the only ones that REALLY know about them.)

1. Check the cleanliness. Clubs don't care about keeping the club clean don't care about keeping you happy. Period. Always give a good look in the locker rooms and cardio deck.

2. Gauge the pressure. The more pressure that is being put on you to join right then, the less service you are likely to get. Use your head. Today only specials are a scam. Peer pressure always puts you in a bad spot. (Important Note: monthly does not mean month-to-month. Make sure you know the difference.)

Tip! For health tips look at books, videos or CD's that relate to health and pick the ones that you can't wait to get into. Prevention magazine is an abundant source of ideas, if you can get past the prescription advertisements.

3. Judge value, not price. Price is what you pay. Value equals what you get for what you pay. Generally, the higher the rates, the more value you get. Of course, make sure to judge this for yourself. Just don't get stuck in the "low price" mindset. Always look for "high value"

4. Ask about the management history. Clubs with a history of better service tend to have stable management. If a club switches managers every 3 months, it's not a positive sign and usually means that ownership either continually chooses poor management or it's a sign of dissatisfied employees. Be sure to ask.

5. Always check the Better Business Bureau homepage on any clubs that you are looking to join. If a club has a bad mark, you can bet it's pretty intentional. The Bureau doesn't just hand out bad marks without just cause.

Tip! If you've been reading BIOM's Seasonal Health Tips, you've recognized that the effect Spring has on your body has been quite strong this year, based on whichever of the common Spring health problems you may be experiencing.

*Bonus Tip: Check out ripoffreport.com and look up the names of clubs that you are interested in. This resource encompasses reports from many dissatisfied customers from many types of businesses.

Take these 5 tips and apply them to your area. While they will not tell you everything about a club, they will prevent you from becoming a member of the worst clubs and allow you to be more comfortable working out in the New Year.

Brad Howard is the author of the wildly successful book "Health Club Secrets, How to Master the Art of Losing Weight Without Getting Ripped Off" and has been in the industry for years. For more details, make sure to visit http://www.HealthClubSecrets.com

Want more Brad? Be sure to log on to http://www.SmallAssForSale.com for information on the new book coming out soon. Find out about little known combinations and techniques that will send you weight loss results through the roof. 3 lucky people stand to win a free copy each month! Visit today!

Tips for Good Health

Tip! For health tips look at books, videos or CD's that relate to health and pick the ones that you can't wait to get into. Prevention magazine is an abundant source of ideas, if you can get past the prescription advertisements.

Exercise improves the blood flow and maintains a healthy body; food and sleep are also the main factors to remain healthy.

Exercise: Healthy body is a healthy mind. Exercise is important to lead a stress free life. If you can't workout for 7 days a week, even 5 days a week is good enough. Doing aerobic exercise for 30 minutes a day, helps you to remain fit and healthy. If you lift weights to build your muscles, then proper rest for recuperation is very necessary. Meditation and relaxation are very necessary for a cool mind.

Diet: It is important to have a balanced diet. Diets, which are rich in proteins, are recommended. Green leafy vegetables and fruits should be taken on a daily basis. Vitamin supplements can be taken but it is good to take fruits and vegetables, which are nutritious and filled with natural fibers, vitamins and supplements. Avoid taking too much of oily foods and aerated drinks.

Sleep: When you sleep, your muscles relax and grow. This is a fact and it is necessary to sleep at least 7 hours at night. If you are not able to sleep then relax and listen to songs or read some books. Sleep well and do not take any tension at all for a health body.

Diet, exercise and sleep are the 3 main factors for a healthy body. So, try to maintain a balance between them.

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